We’ve all met them: the users whose idea of a ‘report’ is a large table of data dumped into Excel. However many beautiful data visualisations they see, however many times you try to convince them of the benefits of using Power BI to build reports, they just want to know where the “Export to Excel” button is so they can carry on analysing data in the same old way. Sometimes there’s a valid reason for doing this, sometimes not, but all too often internal politics means that you have to accommodate them. If you’re using Power BI the obvious way to do this is to use the “Export Data” button in Power BI. However, as the documentation notes, there are some limits on the amount of data that can be exported: The maximum number of rows that can be exported from Power BI Desktop and Power BI service to .csv is 30,000 The maximum number of rows that can be exported to .xlsx is 150,000 What’s more, clicking a button to export data and then copying it into an Excel report is a time...